It's a mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad...

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Christians turn on Bush?

Ya like my title for the post?

Yeah, me too.

Anywho... If he starts alienating his religiosos, then it'll just be the war-mongering racist homophobic gun-toting misogynistic scandal-ridden fascist usurists who support him, what'll he be able to get done then?


  • I am elated to see that some of these type of Christians still exist. But, I do not take much comfort in them turning on Bush. After all, these are not the fundamentalist, ultra-conservative folk who are trying to engulf us in the second coming of the dark ages. I am sure his powerbase is intact with them.

    Do you get the feeling that Bush, the greatest fraud played on the American people since the coupe of 1963, is trying to find some indetity and legitamcy for himself?

    Here is a man that is a product of Texas money and politics. His partying and drug use suggest he once had some sense of self. But, I can almost visualize the meetings in the cuban gigar smoke filled rooms, where the ultra-powerful men slapped young "George W" into submission. "We'll get your sorry ass in the White House, but you godda quit this shit NOW! We got too much invested in you, boy."

    Now, with no more worlds to conquer, he cannot weep like Alexander. Because he knows that he has been a pawn. He has accomplished nothing. It will be interesting to see if he does not try something dramatic to leave his own mark in history. One that HE earned.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:57 PM  

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