It's a mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad...

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Ok, let's go back a couple of posts.


Concentration of power in decision makers who are not directly accountable to the people as often seen in non-democratic regimes.

Lack of government
transparency in decision making.

Costly political campaigns, with expenses exceeding normal sources of political funding.

Large amounts of public capital involved in a project.

Self-interested closed cliques and "old-boy" networks.

Weak rule of law.

Weak legal profession.

Minimal freedom of speech or freedom of the press.

Poorly-paid government officials.

Apathetic, uninterested, or gullible populace that fails to give adequate attention to political processes.

Absence of adequate controls to prevent bribery or so-called "campaign donations."

So, in case you were wondering WHY we should be concerned, click, clicky de above linky.


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