It's a mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad...

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Old News

I mean REALLY old news.

If you've ever wondered how these bastards think they can get away with the levels of graft, greed, corruption, speculation, favoritism, et cetera they've been doing lately well you just need to go back and look at American History.

They've been doing it for 400 years.

I recommend a book called "Stealing from America: A History of Corruption from Jamestown to Whitewater."

It's a nice little omnibus about the corruption that has shaped the American political landscape over time.

Very few events in our history have escaped the convoluted mechanations of small cabals of men making fast grabs for money and power, it's just that now their power grabs are more exposed, not less.

Did you know that the ENTIRE gold market of the U.S. was almost cornered by just two (that's right TWO) guys in 1869? It caused "Black Friday".

It is much more difficult to get away with huge land grabs and giveaways today, as there are mechanisms in place to expose all the shitty things they try to do.

Why do you think they have to buy up all the media and lie so vehemently about, well, everything?

'Cause we are watching.

Oh, by the way, one of the REALLY serious watchsigns of government corruption is when a residing president tries to appoint someone to a post who has flagrantly stated that the institution he is being assigned to govern should be dismantled, reformed or otherwise done away with. Teapot Dome taught us that. Albert Fall, the major player in that affair, was installed as Secretary of the Interior. He believed that the Department of Interior should be abolished and the federal government had no right to supervise or control the nations resources.

That was almost 100 years ago.

Sound like anyone we know?


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