It's a mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad...

Friday, January 21, 2005

More in depth commentary?

A buddy of mine was ribbing me for basically just posting a list of links.

Well, it's true many of my blog posts have become more concise, if not terse of late.

Couple of reasons.

1) Sometimes the places I link to have writings and resources I could never hope to achieve in any timeframe, much less by posting daily. I have no real interest in becoming an expert on Bonobo Apes, but connecting you with the boinkinest damn primates on the planet immediately after appealing to your sense of reason and trying to get you to stop procreating, is just, you know, kinda funny.

2) I appreciate the fact that people often read blogs to get information, I can only assume if you follow a page linked to from here, you actually read what is on that page. Quoting from said page seems laborious, tedious and intellectually unchallenging. If you don't trust me as a filter for the entire damn internet, then honestly, why visit? Many of my posts make NO SENSE without the underlying context of the linked content. Many of them make little sense WITH the underlying context.

3) If a thought can be expressed in five words or fifty, I choose the five. Unless fifty is funnier. Then I'm all about the fifty.

4) I like the idea of leaving you a little on your guard as to why I would link to a site instead of explaining the premise. Is it me taking "ownership" of the ideas expressed and showing them as my own? Is it the opposite?

5) I dig the minimalist thang. Here is a style I emulate.

6) And of course, Dood, my kid is bugging me RIGHT NOW to stop typing and go play with him.


Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.


  • Dood: too concise this wk.

    U R like Joseph Mitchell, post JG'sS.

    *I* trust you as a filter for the EDI - nada bueno esta semana?

    yr sucrets admirer

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:22 AM  

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